Dennis Miller seems like a smart guy. Part of his humor is based on sarcasm. He's a real smooth talker and sometimes you get the impression that he draws upon the common sense from the middle-ground. But he said President Obama's speech on Health Care Reform was partisan, when in reality his speech was based on facts.
Living must be difficult when facts are partisan and the truth hurts so much you must block it out of your mind and scream "You Lie!" (Joe Wilson) or walk out in the middle of a joint session of congress while the President of the United States is giving a speech (John Shimkus).
What does it take to break you from your coma of denial? A total one hundred percent Democrat majority in every branch of government? You only have the Supreme Court as your last bastion of conservatism, but you complained forever that they legislate from the bench. Are you willing to flip-flop on that opinion?
It's time to wake up and piece together this nation as a truly stable civilized nation where people don't have to freeze to death in the streets or be denied insurance coverage. A nation where education is top priority.
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