Monday, November 29, 2010


Remember when Secretary of Defense Don Rumsfeld had a press conference about the release of photographs from Abu Ghraib prison? He was enraged about cameras being allowed into the prison. Now the government is all upset over the memos.

The arrogance is astonishing. The next press conference you go to, here's a nicely prepared question for the President of the United States:

Sir. Sharing information has become very important for national security since the 9/11, but because of the leaks happening with photos from prisons at Iraq and now memos being leaked by, rather than trying to suppress that information, is there a plan to deal with the behaviors depicted in those photos and memos so they won't be so embarrassing when they are leaked in the future?

Really, being upset because you were caught rather than being ashamed of what you did is the behavior typical of a psychopath.

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